Healing Vibrations with Shockwave

What is Shockwave

Shockwave therapy is a multidisciplinary device used in podiatry ,orthopaedics, physiotherapy, sports medicine, urology and veterinary medicine. Its main assets are fast pain relief and mobility restoration. Together with being a non-surgical therapy and no need for painkillers makes it an ideal therapy to speed up recovery and cure various indications causing acute or chronic pain.

Shockwave is an acoustic wave which carries high energy to painful spots and myoskeletal tissues with subacute, subchronic and chronic conditions. The energy promotes regeneration and reparative processes of the bones, tendons and other soft tissues.

Shockwaves are characterized by jump change in pressure, high amplitude and non-periodicity.

The kinetic energy of the projectile, created by compressed air, is transferred to the transmitter at the end of the applicator and further into the tissue.

Medical Effects of Shockwave

The Acoustic waves with high energy peak used in Shockwave Therapy interact with tissue causing medical effects of accelerated tissue repair and cell growth , analgesia and mobility restoration.

Analgesic Effect- Elimination of pain

  • Enhanced dispersion of substance P

  • Decrease in muscle tension

  • Inhibition of spasm and inhabitation of nociceptive fibres

Mobility restoration

  • Enhances reabsorption of calcium deposits

Acceleration of Healing

  • Enhanced collagen production

  • Improved metabolism and microcirculation

  • Ligament neovascularization

  • Stimulation of osteoblasts activity with increases in osteogenesis

Applications in Podiatry

As a non invasive solution for chronic musculoskeletal pain, podiatrist mainly use Shockwave Therapy in the treatment plan for :

  • Heel spur,

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Achilles Tendonitis

Heel Pain application

Heel Spur/Plantar fasciitis

Calcium deposit on the underside of the heel bone ( heel spur) is closely associated with the scarring or inflammation of the plantar fascia ( plantar fasciitis) . Either of the indications or combined , result in pain which affects daily activities . Shockwave treats both of the problems simultaneously . Acoustic waves are responsible for fast recover , return to daily routine and long-lasting effects in up to 88% of patients based on extensive research.

Treatment plan- Typically 3-5 sessions with 5-10 days between sessions .

Tendinopathy application

Achilles Tendonitis/ Chronic Tendinopathy

Cumulated microtraumas from repetitive overloading can result in chronic tendinopathy. Tendinopathies at various areas of the body are very common in across the general population . Shock wave is effective in treating both inflation of the tendon and damage, relieving the pain and enabling the return to normal activities.

Treatment plan- Typically 3-5 sessions with 5-10 days between sessions .

Next Step

The suitability of shockwave is established following a biomechanical assessment. If the podiatrist feels shockwave therapy would be beneficial as part of the treatment plan then treatment can commence straight away. To book your biomechanical assessment click here Book online

Ben Stead