Our Services 


Initial Consultation & Treatment

Your initial treatment allows your podiatrist to take all the relevant medical information and carry out compulsory checks on your feet, including testing your vascular and neurological status. Once this has been carried out, we will then discuss your foot problems and form a treatment plan. The Foot Company Full Podiatry treatment will then follow, making sure you leave the clinic feeling much more comfortable.

Book an appointment with us online at any one of our clinic locations today.

Full Podiatry Treatment

Our Podiatrists will focus on your specific footcare needs ensuring you leave walking on air. Your nails will be cut and filed, problematic nails dealt with, any hard skin removed, cracked heels and corns will also be treated, finishing the treatment by applying a soothing foot cream.

Book an appointment with us online at any one of our eight locations today.

Nail Surgery

This treatment will be carried out by a fully qualified HCPC-registered podiatrist, under a local anaesthetic, to remove those painful, problematic toenails once and for all. The podiatrist will explain the full procedure to you and the aftercare to follow.

*Online booking is not available for this service as initial consultation and assessment is required.


Biomechanical Assessment

Having pain in your legs, hips or feet? Our podiatrist will assess your body's lower limb biomechanics and advise a suitable treatment to cure your aches and pains. Treatments range from off-the-shelf insoles to hand-crafted casted orthoses alongside stretching and prescribed exercise if required.

Biomechanical Assessment with PODOSmart Technology

Are you having pain in your legs, hips or feet? Our podiatrist conducts a full clinical assessment of your body's lower limb biomechanics. As part of the assessment, our clinical team will utilise the latest in-shoe analysis technology, PODOsmart. Following a short walk and/or run while the smart insoles are positioned in your footwear, the technology will provide a number of key metrics to assist in identifying any underlying issues which may be the cause of existing pain or result in future injures if not addressed.

Learn more.

Swift Verrucae Treatment

Are you tired of failed verruca treatments? What makes Swift verruca treatment different?

Simple, Effective and Swift… Swift utilises safe microwave energy to produce heat rapidly. The rapid heating of the verruca shocks the body into triggering an immune response in the area of the heat generation. Most other treatments work by causing tissue destruction through freezing or chemical destruction, which can cause blistering, lasting pain, and risking scarring, by triggering the body's own immune response, rather than simply destroying the infected tissue.

Only available at Limavady, Bury, Altrincham, Clitheroe, Culcheth, Manchester, Lytham and Skipton clinics.

Learn more.


Verruca Treatment - Verrutop 

Stubborn painful verruca? Following an initial assessment, our clinical team will advise on a treatment plan utilising Verrutop. Verrutop is a new type of wart treatment. Unlike Cryotherapy or other chemical treatments, Verrutop does not act by freezing or burning the tissue. Instead, it denatures the viral protein and desiccates the wart tissue, which then falls off the skin, leaving intact skin underneath and the verruca or wart gone.

*Online booking is not available for this service as initial consultation and assessment is required.

Fungal Nail 

Our clinical team will assess the fungal infection and establish a treatment plan to irradicate the fungal infection and restore a strong, healthy nail. Treatment plans will vary depending on the severity of the infection. 

Book an appointment with us online at any one of our eight locations today.

*Online booking is not available for this service as initial consultation and assessment is required.

Nail Reconstruction 

Restore and protect nails through clinical nail reconstruction. Our clinical team will remove damaged or infected nail and then rebuild a false nail replicating the appearance of a healthy nail. The resins used also prevent fungal growth, providing a barrier for natural healthy nail growth underneath. The resin can also be used to reinforce healthy nails to avoid possible damage caused by sport or exercise. 

*Online booking is unavailable for this service as initial consultation and assessment are required.


Foot Mobilisation

Do you have foot pain that orthotics have not solved? Do you want freedom from orthotics or have you tried everything to treat foot pain? If so, FMT may be for you. Foot Mobilisation Techniques is a manual therapy specifically designed to improve your foot and ankle function by targeting still, mal-aligned or dysfunctional joints to improve the function of your lower limbs.

This form of manual therapy involves finding and treating the cause of your pain rather than just the symptoms, by individually assessing each bone and joint in the foot. It uses your own body’s natural repair process to reduce pain and improve foot posture.

Only available at Bury .

Advanced MSK Assessment

An advanced MSK assessment is for patients being troubled by a foot or ankle injury, disease or deformity. The primary aim of this assessment is to achieve the correct diagnosis and to implement the most appropriate treatment plan. We can lead on the care of your foot or ankle problem or work as part of a multi-disciplinary team for patients with more complex conditions. The assessment may include a range of clinical or diagnostic testing and treatment may involve both conservative and invasive options, all of which will be discussed during your appointment.

Only available Holmfirth.

Class 4 Laser Treatment

Laser therapy provides a non-drug alternative for the management of chronic and acute pain. MLS Class 4 laser therapy can be used to reduce pain and inflammation in the musculoskeletal disorders and injuries and joint pain. Patients will often see an improvement in the treatment area from the first session.

Only available at Bury.


Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy carries high energy to areas of muscle, joint and ligament pain to stimulate the healing and reparative process . It is clinically proven to be an effective treatment method for Heel spurs/Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendonitis and if suitable will be structured into a treatment plan following a full biomechanical assessment.

Available in Altrincham only

Verrucae Needling

Verrucae Needling was originally described by Falknor in 1969 and involves repeatedly puncturing the lesion with a hypodermic needle to push the virus into the blood stream and unmask the virus to the immune system . The World Health Organisation completed a study in 2013 and reported complete resolution of verrucae following needling therapy in 69% of patients with a further 7% reporting reduced lesion size. Within their study patients received either one or two episodes of treatment.

Available Holmfirth, Lindley & Bury

Steroid Injections

If all other treatments for plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis and Mortens neuroma have failed you may want to consider steroid injections. Cortisone is injected into the point of pain to reduce inflammation and pain level. The pain relief can last for multiple months and enable patients to implement rehab exercises which have been previously prohibited due to pain, this will result in lasting pain relief.

Available Holmfirth, Lindley & Skipton