Verruca Treatment
With Swift & Verrutop
If you’ve been battling a stubborn verruca, The Foot Company offers a range of effective treatment options designed to tackle the root cause. Our primary solution, Swift Verruca Treatment, uses innovative microwave technology to stimulate your body’s immune response, providing a highly effective approach to managing verrucae without disrupting your daily life. We also offer Verrutop and Verrucae Needling as alternative options, giving our patients flexibility in choosing the best treatment for their needs.
Swift Verruca Treatment
Swift Verruca Treatment is a breakthrough in verruca management, using microwave technology to trigger the body’s natural immune response, clearing the verruca without tissue destruction or invasive aftercare. This method is ideal for long-standing or stubborn verrucae that have not responded to traditional treatments.
Traditional Treatments vs Swift
Conventional treatments, such as acid application, cryotherapy, or laser treatment, target the surface tissue to destroy infected cells. While this approach can be effective in some cases, it often causes blistering, pain, and potential scarring. Swift, in contrast, stimulates the immune response, working from within to address the infection directly without tissue damage.
What Causes Verrucae?
Verrucae, or plantar warts, are caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), a virus that thrives in the skin’s upper layers, where limited blood flow can make it difficult for the immune system to detect and address the infection. Variables like age, the verruca’s duration, and location can influence the body’s natural healing response.
Why Treat Verrucae?
While verrucae are non-life-threatening, they can cause considerable pain, hinder daily activities, and spread to other body parts. Data shows that if a verruca persists beyond six months, the chance of it resolving without treatment drops to 8%. Therefore, addressing verrucae early can prevent further discomfort and complications.
Traditional Treatments vs Swift
Conventional treatments, such as acid application, cryotherapy, or laser treatment, target the surface tissue to destroy infected cells. While this approach can be effective in some cases, it often causes blistering, pain, and potential scarring. Swift, in contrast, stimulates the immune response, working from within to address the infection directly without tissue damage.
How Swift Verruca Treatment Works
Swift delivers precise microwave energy to the verruca, rapidly heating the tissue to prompt an immune response. This immune activation encourages the body to recognise and eliminate the HPV virus, tackling the verruca without causing pain or requiring aftercare.
Benefits: Swift is a fast, effective treatment that requires no anaesthetic, no post-treatment care, and allows you to continue with your daily activities immediately. The lack of tissue destruction also means there is minimal discomfort and no scarring risk.
Expected Duration: On average, treatment can take between 12-16 weeks, although the exact timeline varies based on factors like age, health, and duration of the infection. Patients can rest assured that Swift offers a reliable, low-maintenance solution that won’t disrupt daily life.
Alternatives to Swift
Verrutop Verruca Treatment
For those seeking an alternative to Swift, we also offer Verrutop, a unique treatment solution designed to denature the verruca’s viral proteins without freezing or burning. This treatment is ideal for those who prefer a non-invasive approach and have not had success with traditional methods.
How Verrutop Works:
Verrutop’s topical solution penetrates the infected tissue, desiccating it and allowing the verruca to detach, revealing healthy skin underneath safely.
Verrutop does not require anaesthesia, involves minimal discomfort, and poses a lower risk of scarring. It is a convenient and effective alternative for those who prefer a more conventional topical approach.
Treatment Duration:
Treatment time varies based on the verruca’s characteristics, with regular follow-ups to monitor progress.
Verrucae Needling
For patients with particularly persistent verrucae, Verrucae Needling offers a targeted approach that directly engages the immune system. This treatment involves puncturing the verruca to introduce the virus to the bloodstream, prompting an immune response that can effectively eliminate the infection. Verrucae Needling is an excellent option for those seeking a more intensive solution.
How Verrucae Needling Works:
Our podiatrist creates small punctures in the verruca using a sterile hypodermic needle, allowing the body’s immune system to recognise and respond to the infection.
Verrucae Needling is a highly effective treatment that can provide long-lasting results with minimal aftercare beyond basic wound management.
The procedure may require local anaesthetic for comfort, and patients will be provided with aftercare instructions, including dressing changes if needed.
Booking Information
Our podiatrists will work closely with you during your initial consultation to assess your verruca and discuss the best treatment options, whether that’s Swift, Verrutop, or Verrucae Needling. We’re here to ensure you receive the right care for your specific needs.
You can use our easy online booking or contact us using the form for more information.