MLS Laser Therapy

In the last couple of decades, the use of lasers for both medical and aesthetic procedures has significantly increased. Lasers have been utilised in various fields such as optometry and dermatology and have proven highly effective and convenient. Although lasers now have a multitude of medical uses, many individuals are still surprised by its use in podiatry. 

Most podiatrists are now fully committed to providing their patients with the latest and most contemporary medical technology available to ensure they give the most effective treatment and highest quality of care. MLS laser therapy is now one of the many treatments accessible to patients to help get them back on track with their everyday lives. 

What is MLS class IV laser therapy? 

MLS Class IV laser therapy is now a go-to treatment for an assortment of podiatry related conditions; this includes: 

  • Fungal foot and toe infections

  • Ligament injuries

  • Ulcers and wounds

  • MSK conditions

  • Pain associated with inflammation due to arthritis

MLS Class IV laser therapy is a non-invasive and safe way to manage and basically eliminate pain, reduce inflammation and encourage healing. Using the light of multiple wavelengths to infiltrate the tissue and stimulate cell regeneration is how this form of laser therapy works. 

There are no known adverse side effects, and most patients report little to no discomfort during the procedure; when used correctly, MLS Class IV laser therapy can treat even the most tenacious of conditions. 

MLS Class IV laser therapy is quickly becoming an extremely popular procedure for many conditions and is often recommended for soft-tissue injuries. If you feel you have been suffering from chronic pain or experiencing any discomfort in your feet, this form of treatment could be the perfect fit for you. 

It is crucial you consult with an experienced medical professional like ourselves to determine whether or not this treatment is right for you before going through with it. We are fully trained to help with all your foot and lower ankle related injuries and can provide expert advice to help you get back on track.