Services Available

Initial Consultation and Treatment 

At our initial podiatry treatment, we will talk to you about your medical history, take all of your relevant medical information, and carry out the compulsory checks on your feet. These checks on your feet will include testing your vascular and neurological status. When we have completed these checks, we will discuss any foot problems that you may be experiencing and work together to create a treatment plan that works for you. We will then follow on with our full podiatry treatment, ensuring that you leave our foot clinic in Altrincham feeling more comfortable, with that walking on air feeling and confident that we will be able to help you.

Full Podiatry Treatment 

The podiatrists in Altrincham pride themselves on providing you with the best foot care possible. At our full podiatry treatment, we will focus on your specific foot care needs, ensuring that you are comfortable and leaving with a spring in your step.

The full podiatry treatment includes the cutting and filing of your nails as well as dealing with any problematic nails that could be present, removing any hard skin on the feet and the treatment of cracked heels and corns. We will finish off by applying a soothing foot cream.

Nail Surgery 

Nail surgery at The Foot Company in Altrincham will always be carried out by a fully trained and fully qualified, HCPC registered podiatrist. It will be completed under a local anaesthetic, where we will remove those painful or problematic toenails once and for all. When undergoing nail surgery, our podiatrists will explain the full procedure to you at your initial consultation and any after care to follow the operation. 

Some of the most common reasons for someone to need nail surgery is: 

  • Infected toenails

  • Ingrown toenails

  • Distorted or thickened toenails

Biomechanical Assessment 

If you are experiencing pain in your legs, hips or feet, you may benefit from a biomechanical assessment. A biomechanical assessment is something that our podiatrists will use to assess the biomechanics of your lower limbs to determine what could be causing the aches or pains. Once a biomechanical assessment has been carried out, we can use this data to better advise you on a treatment plan, whether that be the use of handcrafted custom orthotics or off the shelf insoles.

Swift Verrucae Treatment 

If you are tired of failed attempts at ridding yourself of a verruca, swift verruca treatment could be the answer for you. So, what makes swift different and why is it the best method for verruca treatment?

Swift utilises safe microwave energy to rapidly-produce bursts of heat. This rapid heating of the verruca shocks the body and triggers the body's own immune response within the area of heat generation. 

Most other treatments for verrucas work by causing the destruction of the infected tissue through freezing or chemicals. This can lead to blistering, lasting pain and could leave a scar. On the other hand, SWIFT uses the body's own immune system to destroy the infected tissue. Independent clinical research has shown that Swift microwave verruca treatment activates immune signalling pathways in the body, ensuring your body is aware of the verruca and making it possible to clear the infected tissue of its own accord. This is done without scarring, and most importantly, it is quick, effective and pain-free.  

Verruca Treatment - Verrutop 

Verrutop is another new form of wart or verruca treatment. Following an initial assessment, our team of highly trained podiatrists could advise you on the use of verrutop to treat that stubborn verruca or wart. Unlike Cryotherapy and other chemicals, verrutop does not work by freezing or burning the infected tissue. Instead, it denatures the viral protein and desiccates the wart tissue, causing the wart to fall off the skin, leaving the healthy skin intact underneath.

Fungal Nail 

When treating a fungal nail, our clinical team will first assess the severity of the fungal infection and then establish the best treatment plan for the fungal nail infection. We aim to restore a strong and healthy nail. Treatment plans will vary depending on the severity of the fungal nail infection present.

Nail Reconstruction 

Nail reconstruction is a method used to restore and protect your nails. It is done by first removing the damaged or infected nail and then rebuilding a false nail in its place, replicating the appearance of a healthy nail. The resins that we use to build the false nail will also help to prevent fungal growth, providing a barrier for the development of your natural and healthy nail underneath. The resin will also help to reinforce the healthy nail, allowing you to avoid any further damage and get back to painlessly playing your favourite sports.

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy carries high energy to areas of muscle, joint and ligament pain to stimulate the healing and reparative process . It is clinically proven to be an effective treatment method for Heel spurs/Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendonitis and if suitable will be structured into a treatment plan following a full biomechanical assessment.


Book an appointment online

You can book an appointment with us online or call us on 0161 9120982

51 Railway Street, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 2RQ