Services Available

Initial Consultation and Treatment 

The first appointment with your podiatrist is an informative and necessary experience. This initial meeting allows them to take all the required information regarding your feet and perform compulsory assessments; this includes your neurological and vascular status.

At this appointment, we'll start by going over your concerns and forming a treatment plan together, after which we'll discuss The Foot Company's full podiatry treatment. At our Bury clinic, we pride ourselves on providing you with the best podiatry services possible. We will ensure you leave the clinic feeling much more comfortable and assured that we can give you the best treatment.

Full Podiatry Treatment 

Our Podiatrists are experts in foot care and will focus on your specific needs. This includes nail cutting, filing, and dealing with any problematic nails. They will also take care of any hard skin and cracked heels or corns. Finally, they will apply a soothing foot cream.

Nail Surgery 

Would you like to get rid of your painful, problematic nails once and for all? If you have a severe ingrown toenail, nail removal could be the best solution for you. You can have this done by a fully qualified HCPC-registered podiatrist under a local anaesthetic at our podiatry clinic in Bury. The podiatrist will explain the full procedure to you in detail as well as some aftercare steps at your initial consultation.

Biomechanical assessment with PODOsmart Technology 

If you are experiencing pain in your lower limbs, you should visit a podiatrist as soon as possible. Our podiatrist will conduct a full clinical assessment to identify the source of the problem. This will, in most cases, include utilising the latest in-shoe technology called PODOsmart, which analyses biomechanics. While wearing the PODOsmart insoles, we will ask you to complete a short walk or run, the technology will then give us several metrics that we can utilise to assist us in identifying the issues that you could be having. This covers things that could be causing you pain currently or cause you pain in the future. Our expertly trained podiatrists will then analyse the data and provide you with a suitable treatment plan to help prevent any aches and pains you may be experiencing.

Verruca Treatment - Verrutop 

If you have a stubborn painful verruca, we can help. After completing an initial assessment, our clinical team will review your treatment plan and offer advice on the best course of action. Verrutop, is a new type of wart treatment that acts differently to traditional methods. It doesn't freeze or burn tissue like Cryotherapy or other chemical treatments. Instead, it destroys warts by denaturing viral proteins and drying out the wart tissue.

Fungal Nail 

We'll analyse the severity of the fungal infection and help you establish a treatment plan to wipe out your fungus and restore your strong, healthy nail. Treatment plans will vary depending on how severe your infection is.

Nail Reconstruction 

The nail is a vital part of the human body. When we have a broken or infected nail, it can make it difficult to exercise or do sports. By offering clinical nail reconstruction - we aim to remove damaged or infected nails, then rebuild a false nail that replicates the appearance of a healthy nail. The resins used in this process also prevent fungal growth, providing a barrier for natural healthy nail growth underneath. A false nail will also help protect and reinforce the nail to avoid possible injury while playing sports and exercising.

Foot Mobilisation

If you have pain in your foot that simply hasn't been helped by orthotics, it could be time to try a different approach. If you want freedom from wearing orthotics, foot mobilisation therapy or FMT could be the answer for you. Foot mobilisation therapy is a manual therapy that has been specifically designed in order to aid your foot and ankle function. It does so by targeting still, mal-aligned or dysfunctional joints and improves the function and mobility of your lower limbs. This manual therapy involves the process of finding and treating the cause of your pain by assessing each individual bone and joint in the foot, as opposed to simply treating the symptoms. It will also use your own bodies natural repair process, this will help you reduce pain and improve the foot's posture.

What can FMT be used to treat?

  • Ankle sprains and instability

  • Bunions

  • Claw, retracted, mallet and hammertoes

  • Cuboid syndrome

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Flat feet

  • Mortons neuroma

  • Heel pain

  • Improves orthotic outcomes

    What can I expect from an FMT initial appointment?

    Your podiatrist will thoroughly examine your gait, posture, and lower limbs. This is done by using a full biomechanical assessment. If they feel that foot mobilisation therapy is the best treatment for you, they will create a bespoke treatment plan of mobilisation sessions and take-home exercises to maintain your progress.



Book an appointment online

You can book an appointment with us online or call us on 0161 764 3951.

Unit 3, 4 John Street , Bury , BL9 0NH