Services Available
Initial Consultation and Treatment
Your initial treatment allows your podiatrist to take all the relevant medical information and carry out compulsory checks on your feet, including testing your vascular and neurological status. Once this has been carried out, we will then discuss your foot problems and form a treatment plan. The Foot Company Full Podiatry treatment will then follow, making sure you leave the clinic feeling much more comfortable.
Full Podiatry Treatment
Our Podiatrists will focus on your specific footcare needs ensuring you leave walking on air. Your nails will be cut and filed, problematic nails delt with, any hard skin removed, cracked heels and corns will also be treated, finishing the treatment by applying a soothing foot cream.
Nail Surgery
This treatment will be carried out by a fully qualified HCPC-registered podiatrist, under a local anaesthetic, to remove those painful, problematic toenails once and for all. The podiatrist will explain the full procedure to you and the aftercare to follow.
Biomechanical Assessment
Are you having pain in your legs, hips or feet? Our podiatrist will assess your body's lower limb biomechanics and advise a suitable treatment to cure your aches and pains. Treatments range from off-the-shelf insoles to hand-crafted casted orthoses.
Swift Verrucae Treatment
Are you tired of failed verruca treatments? What makes Swift verruca treatment different?
Simple, Effective and Swift. Swift utilises safe microwave energy to produce heat rapidly. The rapid heating of the verruca shocks the body into triggering an immune response in the area of the heat generation. Most other treatments work by causing tissue destruction through freezing or chemical destruction, which can cause blistering, lasting pain, and risking scarring, by triggering the body's own immune response, rather than simply destroying the infected tissue. Independent clinical research has shown that microwave verruca treatment with Swift activates immune signalling pathways in the body, alerting the immune system to the presence of the verruca and clearing the infected tissue, without scarring, quickly, safely and most importantly effectively.
Verruca Treatment - Verrutop
Stubborn painful verruca? Following an initial assessment, our clinical team will advise on a treatment plan utilising Verrutop. Verrutop is a new type of wart treatment. Unlike Cryotherapy or other chemical treatments, Verrutop does not act by freezing or burning the tissue. Instead, it denatures the viral protein and desiccates the wart tissue, which then falls off the skin, leaving intact skin underneath.
Fungal Nail
Our clinical team will assess the fungal infection and establish a treatment plan to irradicate the fungal infection and restore a strong, healthy nail. Treatment plans will vary depending on the severity of the infection.
Nail Reconstruction
Restore and protect nails through clinical nail reconstruction. Our clinical team will remove damaged or infected nail then rebuild a false nail replicating the appearance of a healthy nail. The resins used also prevent fungal growth, providing a barrier for natural healthy nail growth underneath. The resin can also be used to reinforce health nail to avoid possible damage caused by sport or exercise.

Book an appointment online
You can book an appointment with us online or call us on 01756 699169
12a Otley Street, Skipton, BD231DZ