Athletic Foot Care For Kids!

Every parent knows there is no slowing down an active kid; even if they aren't in the middle of a school or travel sports league, they're probably running around and playing at full tilt, enjoying their youth with their friends! 

However much of a good thing physical play might be, it can also lead to an array of injuries or infections in their feet and ankles if they aren't careful! Of course, kids being kids won't always let you know if they have a problem, especially if it makes them embarrassed or means they can no longer participate in their favourite sporting activities! 

Therefore, it is vital you know when it is time to let a professional take over!

How to avoid injury in the first place

Children are incredibly resilient and tend to heal pretty quickly, yet this certainly does not make them invincible! Here are several tips to help your children enjoy their pain-free feet and ankles: 

  • Take them for a pre-season physical - It may be wise to allow your child to be checked over by a physician; although everything may seem okay, a doctor will be able to identify any areas of concern. This won't stop your child from playing, and you will be better prepared to manage the risk of an accident.

  • Purchase the right pair of shoes - Your child's shoes should be appropriate and sport-specific, so they are designed to handle the physical austerity of the sport they are playing. Why not take your child to an athletic store to be extra safe and ensure you measure both feet before trying anything on.

  • If the situation calls, buy them a second pair! - This is especially important if your child will be playing multiple days in a row and will be using their shoes a large percentage of the year. This way, you can rotate between footwear, allowing their lifespan to be preserved and allowing them to dry out before the next use.

  • Replace old shoes - Children quickly grow out of and wear down new shoes. When this happens, they will no longer provide the necessary grip or shock absorption.

  • Check the treads - Before throwing your old trainers in the bin, check for uneven wear patterns on the soles. You should see wear relatively evenly across the heels and balls of the feet. However, if you notice excessive wear concentrated along the inside or outside edge of the shoe, it may indicate a structural issue or gait abnormality.

  • Encourage your children to play different kinds of sport - Playing too much of the same sport can wear kids out both emotionally and physically. However, it also puts a tremendous amount of strain on the same muscle groups and body parts repetitively. Encouraging your children to participate in activities such as swimming or riding a bicycle is an excellent idea as they have a meagre impact on the feet and ankle.

  • Teach good hygiene - Athletic children are a magnet for athlete's foot, warts and ingrown toenails! You must ensure your child is washing their feet daily, keeping their toenails neatly trimmed, changing their socks and shoes regularly, especially if they are prone to sweaty feet and protecting their feet with sandals or flips flops when walking in a public changing room.

The good news is many foot centres, just like ourselves, adore working with active children! Expert podiatrists understand how frustrating foot and ankle injuries can be and so will do everything in their power to get your child back out on the field! 

This will include thorough diagnostic examinations to allow them to determine the type and severity of the injury, as well as any underlying root causes. Moreover, they also want to help prevent injuries, so they will gladly assist with advice on how to train, what shoes to buy, and other essential details.