All You Need To Know About Diabetic Foot Care

If you or someone you love is diabetic, then you know that it affects the body in many ways. One of the most important things to take care of is your feet. Though it may not seem like it deserves a spot on your list of things to do, it is one of the most crucial things to take care of.

Our feet are exceptionally sensitive, especially for people who have diabetes. If you happen to suffer from this terrible condition, the earlier you start on proactive foot care, the better!

So, what makes diabetes so damming to our feet? 

Our feet are the first to touch the ground when we stand, walk or run. They support our weight for all of our waking hours, and diabetes can make it ten times more challenging because it affects the way our feet sense and recover from injury.

Diabetics are at a higher risk of experiencing neuropathy, which can cause their feet to go numb. In addition, neuropathy makes blood vessels more fragile and can lead to faster circulation loss. With circulatory issues in the feet, they are unable to receive enough oxygen, which is readily available in the heart. As a result, fewer nutrients and growth factors are going to your feet when they need them most.

Nerve damage is a common side effect of diabetes and often manifests in the hands and feet. In most patients, this results in a tingling sensation or complete numbness. The worst part is when you feel no sensation at all.

Due to the above, you may not notice injuries immediately. If you don't take care of your injury, chances are it will worsen. A small cut could become an ulcer or sore, increasing the chance of getting an infection. Sadly, amputation can happen if wounds and infections are left untreated.

What does diabetic foot care involve? 

Diabetes can be difficult to manage, but thankfully taking care of your feet is not as complicated as it seems. All it takes is some time and a little bit of effort.

If you have diabetes, you should inspect your feet every day — and it’s important to use both your eyes and hands for a thorough check. The disease sometimes causes gradually reducing sensation until people don’t even realize the damage occurring. A foot inspection can help you detect early warning signs and potentially serious problems, like cuts, sores, blisters, discolourations, ingrown toenails, corns and calluses.

If you find anything unusual on your feet, you should immediately speak with a podiatrist. We will probably tell you to keep an eye on the situation to see if it will go away without any treatments. However, based on your description, we may request that you come in for a closer examination.

In addition to daily inspections, you should also treat yourself by taking care of your feet in other ways.

Such as: 

  • Generally, managing your diabetes means controlling your health by monitoring your blood sugar levels, eating healthy foods, and getting your daily exercise.

  • Diabetes-friendly shoes come in all sizes and shapes, from running shoes to dress shoes. Whether it's your second day of work or you're headed out on the town, there's a diabetic shoe perfect for any occasion! The best part? They reduce pressure on the feet (so your sores can heal faster!) and keep feet warm. Win-win!

  • In order to prevent infection, you should ideally clean your feet daily — including providing them with the right amount of moisture and tending to any issues that may arise.

  • It's essential to moisturise your feet. In addition to preventing dry skin, it can help you prevent infection. But avoid applying moisturiser between your toes— it could lead to a fungal infection.

  • Washing your body in warm water is better than cold, and using a washcloth or sponge not only ensures you get cleaner but also helps you exfoliate and fluff up your skin. You should always pat your body dry with light taps, especially between the toes.

  • To ensure healthy cuticles and nails, make sure you keep your nails straight and file the edges or any sharp corners. Try to avoid cutting them too short because this can lead to other issues such as skin infections or hangnails. We recommend that you use a metal nail file to shape your nails since it will last much longer and is safer than using a glass or ceramic nail file.

There's no shame in getting a professional opinion. Make sure you take care of your feet at least twice per year with a visit to the podiatrist! We can detect the cause of foot pain you might be suffering from and get it taken care of before you're in real trouble. If you don't want your feet to end up giving out on you, make sure you find a good local podiatrist who can give you the hands-on treatment and advice you need.