Take Care Of Your Feet This Winter

Prepare for the season of cold feet! Let's take a look at how we can make your feet more comfortable this winter.

The dry, harsh nature of winter can wreak havoc on your skin. From your lips to the soles of your shoes, it's important that you take care of your skin every day. The cold outside coupled with the heat indoors can cause your skin to dry out and crack.

If you want to keep your skin moisturised all winter long, you need to use a quality moisturiser and protect your lips with balm. The best way to maintain soft and smooth skin is by using a daily serum and oil cleanser — preferably without harsh chemicals. And don't forget about your feet — apply a foot cream once a week to smooth out dead skin and keep them nice and soft.

As we all know, winter can be very trying on the skin. Let's take a look at how to combat cracked and dry skin and how to protect it from any harm.

Your Feet Should Be Kept Clean and Dry

One of the worst feelings in the wintertime is when you walk in slush and your shoes and socks get wet. It's gross and it's also damaging to your skin. Moist feet will chill more quickly and cause calloused or sore feet. To avoid this, carry a spare pair of socks in your purse or bag and swap out wet socks for a fresh pair. Dry feet equal happy and healthy feet!

Make sure your shoes and boots fit you properly 

They may not be used as frequently as your regular shoes, so you might not notice any fitting problems with them. But these issues can lead to skin damage. If the boots are too tight or too loose, this will lead to calloused and sore feet.

Pick up a few pairs of natural socks

The cold winter months can be tough on your feet! You need to make sure your footwear is of the utmost importance. A great start is selecting natural or organic materials like wool or cotton. Not only are these types of fabric better for your feet, but they will also help to wick away moisture.

Moisture-wicking socks are great for the winter months. This is because the socks will draw moisture away from your feet, so they won't be as sweaty. Natural socks are also a good idea for those who have foot odour problems. If your feet sweat less, you'll have less foot odour to worry about!

Keep your shoes or boots thoroughly dry

Your wet feet are not your only problem. You can also experience the discomfort of putting on still-wet shoes.

Never put your shoes near a radiator or other dry heat location. These can be breeding grounds for harmful germs that can harm your feet. It is also important to give your shoes time to air out after wearing them, because shoes build up moisture which will cause your shoes to start to smell.

Whether you dry your shoes or wet them down, they must be completely dry before you put them on. You have two options for drying shoes: stuffing the shoes with newspaper or placing them in indirect heat for 24 hours. Radiators are not recommended for this, as they can cause cracking and premature ageing in leather and other materials of shoes.

If you're worried about your feet, make an appointment with us. We'll ensure that your feet are in tip-top condition.

*This blog contains general information about medical conditions and is not advice. You must not rely upon the information in this blog as medical advice. Medical advice should always be sought from an appropriately qualified podiatrist such as ourselves.