Why Visit A Local Podiatrist?

Visiting a podiatrist at our clinics in Bury, Clitheroe, Lytham and Walkden is a must for anyone looking to take care of their feet.

It’s easy to hide our feet away in socks and shoes but they are a vital part of our day to day lives, sometimes it’s not until we have a problem with them that we realise how important our feet are.

At your initial appointment we will do a full assessment of your feet including a vascular and neurological assessment, this is to check the circulation and sensation in your feet which is key to highlighting any potential abnormalities.

By visiting us we will help to keep your feet feeling better by removing any hard skin, removing the dead skin around those sore cracked heels or corns from pressure points.

Also we will trim you toe nails to help prevent Ingrowing toe nails and if you have fungal nails we can give you some treatment options to help clear it and prevent it getting any worse or spreading.

All our podiatrists have seen feet in all shapes and sizes, so please don’t feel embarrassed about your feet, I can guarantee we would of seen worse.

Your feet will feel like your walking on air after your appointment.