How To Get Relief From Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is a common condition, in which the ligament in your foot becomes inflamed. It is usually worse when you first awake or when you have been walking or standing for a prolonged period of time. The plantar fascia is the ligament that connects the heel of your foot with your toes. 

If you feel you live with frequent difficulties involving Plantar Fasciitis, these few simple tricks should help you feel some relief if not amend the problem. 


Stretching contributes two major factors towards assuaging irritability and displeasure, loosening ligaments' tightness and strengthening the limbs over time. By consolidating stretching into your daily exercise routine, you can achieve positive long-term results.

To directly deal with the ligament, first, you must ensure you have bare feet. Next, you should loop a tea towel under the arch of one of your feet whilst sitting down and push outwards gently while pulling forwards with your tea towel. 

It is also essential to stretch your hip flexors as they can contribute towards the condition. Strain on your hips causes a domino effect on the limbs, changing your gait (a biomechanical assessment is a brilliant tool to assess your gait and determine if there are any problems), tightening your calf muscles and overworking your plantar fascia. Sitting for long periods will also tighten your hips, so you must remember to get up and move about more often.


A treatment that is considered to give excellent results is massaging the arch of your foot. This can be achieved via a professional or off your own accord; soothing hands will exquisitely loosen your tight ligaments. 

You can also use a tennis ball or spiky exercise ball for the same results. Place it on the arch of your foot and roll it around your sole.

Mix up your footwear

A common cause of plantar fasciitis is flat feet, medically known as over-pronation. Due to this, weight is not evenly distributed across your feet, therefore, putting more strain on the plantar fascia. 

Orthotic shoes and custom orthotic inserts are fantastic non-surgical methods of relief from plantar fasciitis. They can counterbalance the susceptibilities caused by flat feet and give additional support to the arch and heel, allowing you to get back to your everyday lifestyle. 

If it is an immediate relief you are looking for, there is only one solution: to rest your feet. If you find you are experiencing pain during exercise, you must comply with your feet' needs as they are clearly under stress. A cold ice or a chilled gel pack can be extremely relaxing. Furthermore, some over-the-counter anti-inflammatories can provide immediate relief. 

If you're suffering from Plantar Fasciitis and want expert help and advice, contact us today.