How To Treat Blisters

Without a doubt, we have all got to the end of a drawn-out day feeling achy and sore, specifically in our heels, feet and toes. If this is the case, it is highly likely you may be developing a blister. Blisters are small fluid-filled lumps on the uppermost layer of skin, commonly caused by friction from shoes. 

Heightened moisture levels and damp conditions increase the chances of a blister forming; they usually form as a protection mechanism as it cushions layers of skin underneath, allowing it to heal. 

How can blisters be treated?

Although it may be tempting to pop and peel blisters, you must leave them alone as removing them can leave a wound. This, in turn, can result in infection. 

More often than not, blisters will resolve in their own time, although the following tips will assist in dealing with them: 

  • If the blister is still new, ensure you wear shoes that reduce pressure.

  • Lousy fitting shoes are a common culprit of blisters, so avoid wearing the shoes that caused the problem in the first place. Especially be careful to ensure you have the right running shoes as poorly fitting running shoes can often cause large amounts of friction and make blisters worse.

  • Covering with a plaster or gauze will provide added protection.

How to prevent future blisters 

Blisters are so much more than what they seem. Living with painful blisters can truly affect a person's quality of life. 

These few helpful tips can help prevent blisters from visiting in the future: 

  • Make sure to wear shoes that fit your feet correctly.

  • If you purchase a new pair of shoes, ensure to break them in before wearing them for prolonged periods.

  • Choose moisture-wicking socks to help prevent bacteria and absorb sweat.

  • Reduce the moisture in your feet by wearing socks with closed-toe shoes.

  • If you are prone to sweaty feet, apply talc powder directly to the foot or even sprinkle inside your socks.

  • Use moleskin to reduce friction, especially on your hot spots.

If you're finding blisters to be a common problem for you, do not hesitate to reach out to a specialist like us. We are there to help with any of your foot concerns, including blisters!