Tips For Healthy Feet For Men

Having a foot problem can be extremely annoying in day to day life, as well as being embarrassing. Ultimately, if left untreated, most foot problems will only get worse, and with flip flop season just around the corner, it's time to take care of those feet. 

  1. Your toenails should be cut short and straight across. This will help to prevent discomfort in your feet as well as ingrown toenails.

  2. Sort out those horrendous cracked heels; this is done effortlessly with help from a professional. On the other hand, if self-treatment is the road you would like to go down exfoliating with an emery board foot file on dry skin before bathing will work wonders. Following this up with foot cream, it will give the feet a clean and refreshed appearance by making the skin feel replenished.

  3. Athletes' foot is very common, especially in the summer months. It is incredibly infectious, and if left untreated, can spread and cause fungal nail infection. Many men make a big mistake because they stop the ointments too quickly; it should be used for a few days after symptoms have cleared. It may also be wise to spray the inside of shoes with an anti-fungal spray to prevent re-infection.

  4. Verrucas are particularly prevalent in active feet and are known to be quite painful. Not only can they spread to other parts of your feet, but members of your family as well. SWIFT verruca treatment is quick, safe, and no aftercare is required, which is perfect, especially for younger patients!

  5. Certain types of socks can help prohibit fungal and viral infections on the feet; these are bamboo and hemp socks. They are comfortable to wear; furthermore, they are ethical and viable too!

  6. Remember to wear appropriate shoes when participating in physical activities. Investing in shoes applicable to each distinct sport will help stop foot and ankle injuries, as well as ensuring you have the correct size shoe. If your feet feel flat and uncomfortable when walking around your home, why not try Strive Footwear slippers for ultimate amounts of comfort!